June 2024
Bio Note: A retired magazine editor, I live in Arlington, Virginia, with my husband and cat. The antique desk where I write overlooks telephone wires and maple trees. My poems have appeared widely and been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. My publications include All Alive Together, Something Like a Life, Muslim Wife, Personal Astronomy, When You Escape, and The Unknowable Mystery of Other People.
Out There
Where is everybody? Enrico Fermi famously asked. Billions of stars and planets plenty of possibly habitable zones but no proof of life except here on Earth. Long ago, climbing a tree, my son insisted he saw a UFO, and even now – a schooled sceptic – in some small corner of his mind, I suspect, he harbors a tiny hope of extraterrestrials. So do I – and why not? Why should the wonder of intelligent life be expended on a single planet? Why should whatever creative force made us not make others elsewhere? Science, God, either, both – I’d like to think life is surging out there whether we see the results or not. And if we never see them, maybe that’s better – no fear, no enmity, just somewhere, somehow a spark, an unimaginable gathering of atoms.

What Words Do
You are yourself even while being another – Abdelfattah Kilito We speak all the languages, but in English You on the couch with your profusion of Turkish and Arabic books Me in the chair, cat in my lap, Latin grammar at hand How do you say grammar in Romanian, French, Italian, Spanish … I bring up Google Translate on the phone then turn on my online etymology app Sure enough, they all go back to Latin but Turkish and Arabic are another matter entirely It’s just one of the ways we two are – ourselves but with many languages, always checking the dictionaries Words hover between us, waiting to be translated, waiting to be taken in by old minds that may soon forget them Calligrapher, writer, reader – we are what words we make, what words make us

What's the Matter
In truth, there are only atoms and the void – Democritus, c. 400 BC Is that all there is? Atoms – well, elements – and the void? What about everything else? They tell me all the work is done under the hood by the mass, charge, and spin of the elements. Forgive me if I find it hard to believe the cosmos and all that’s in it depend on what subatomic stuff does while we’re not watching. But never mind. I’ll take the scientists’ word that fish and chocolate and pine trees and all the rest result from busy work at the atomic level. It’s worth considering the sheer simplicity and cleverness of it all, worth contemplating the unseen mystery behind it.
©2024 Sally Zakariya
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